Erectile dysfunction in men in a large number of cases occurs as a result of lack of vitamins, macro- and microelements in the body, unbalanced content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. The condition can be aggravated by excessive physical exertion, psycho-emotional stress, unfavorable environmental conditions and other factors. To restore the reproductive system, it is not necessary to use powerful drugs - at first it is enough to start eating foods that increase potency.
Seafood for erection
List of seafood with the highest value for men's health:
Product | Properties and uses |
mussels | They contain B group vitamins, iodine, zinc and essential amino acids and other useful substances. The use of mussels increases libido, increases the probability of conception and the speed of weight loss. It is recommended to consume the product in cooked form. |
shark meat | It contains specific stimulating substances that have a particularly beneficial effect on the strength of sexual desire. Unsaturated fatty acids found in the product help improve the condition of blood vessels and normalize blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Shark meat is best baked in foil or on the grill. |
oysters | Selenium and zinc contained in the product in large quantities have a positive effect on male potency. These elements increase testosterone, libido, strength and duration of erection. Oysters also contain the hormone dopamine, which restores the psycho-emotional sphere. |
squid | Squid meat contains taurine, a substance that helps lower cholesterol levels. Regular use of the product is a good prevention of atherosclerosis - one of the main causes of impotence. The most useful cooking methods are boiled and baked. |
Regular (2-3 times a week) consumption of cheap sea fish: flounder, mackerel, halibut, herring will also contribute to the normalization of the reproductive system. Due to the significant content of phosphorus, iodine, essential amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids, such erection products increase the production of the male sex hormone testosterone.
Vegetables and fruits
For the normal functioning of the genitourinary system, a man must receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and trace elements. The simplest and most effective way to fill the body with biologically active substances is to consume fresh fruits and vegetables.
The most useful are garlic, turnips, celery, ginger, pomegranate, bananas.
Garlic is one of the most effective folk remedies for increasing potency in men. The therapeutic effect is manifested due to the high content of trace elements and vitamins, which help normalize the work of the endocrine and genitourinary systems, improve overall vitality.
There are 3 main therapeutic effects of garlic:
- Lowering cholesterol. Eating vegetables is a good prevention of atherosclerosis. Improving the state of blood vessels contributes to the normalization of blood circulation in the groin and its rapid filling of the male genital organ.
- Activation of testosterone production. The essential content of zinc and other trace elements in the plant helps to increase the production of male sex hormones.
- Improving blood circulation. The active substances contained in garlic, when passing through the urinary tract, lead to their mild irritation, which stimulates blood flow to the phallus.
Garlic can be consumed fresh as a spice, or prepared as an alcoholic tincture. In the second case, it is necessary:
- After eight days of infusion in the refrigerator, the composition must be filtered.
- Place 30-35 medium peeled cloves in a glass jar with a capacity of 0. 5 liters and pour 300 ml of strong alcohol (vodka, moonshine, cognac) into them.
The tincture should be used daily, 10-15 ml 3 times a day before meals.
Vegetables are saturated with vitamins, microelements, which have a general strengthening effect on the entire human body. The ability of beet to reduce blood cholesterol is particularly valuable. This helps to improve the condition of blood vessels and normalize blood circulation in the groin area.
Bioactive compounds in vegetables also increase testosterone production.
To normalize erectile function in men, it is necessary to use beets prepared according to the following recipe:
- Peel, chop and cook 500 g of vegetables for 40-50 minutes.
- After cooling, mix the solid fraction with 300 g of chopped raw carrots and 2 tablespoons of honey.
- Wait 30 minutes and mix again.
It is recommended to use the medicinal mixture three times a day before meals, 2-3 teaspoons each.
Contraindications: people with exacerbation of inflammatory bowel diseases, cholecystitis, CNS diseases and hepatitis should not eat turnips.
The root contains vitamin C, vitamins B and E, as well as A, PP and K. Celery is rich in minerals zinc, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and potassium, useful for men's health.
These compounds help improve overall health, increase vitality and normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system.
Of particular value is the plant analogue of the male sex hormone testosterone, androsterone, which is found in vegetables. The compound has a beneficial effect on sperm production, enhances sexual desire.
Celery helps to relieve inflammation of the prostate and to deal with infectious diseases of the reproductive organs.
The root is considered the most useful part of the plant. It is recommended to eat raw, peeled and crushed. You can also drink celery juice.
The root of the plant has a strong tonic, quickly improves immunity and performance.
Ginger contains:
- Organic acids: caffeic, caprylic, oleic, nicotinic and linoleic.
- Essential amino acids: tryptophan, threonine, leucine, phenylalanine, valine, methionine and others.
- Ascorbic acid, B vitamins and others.
- Macro- and microelements: phosphorus, silicon, magnesium, zinc, iron, sodium.
Of special value for men's health are gingerol, camphene, linalool, curcumin and beta-carotene. These compounds can dilate blood vessels, which leads to an increase in the rate of filling of the phallus.
The most useful is the decoction of the plant:
- Peel and chop 50-70 g of root,
- Place in a half liter jar and cover with 400 ml of boiling water.
- After forty minutes of infusion, strain.
- Take 100 ml three times a day before meals.
Ginger can also be eaten in preserved form, as a spice in the preparation of other dishes.
To restore an erection, use:
- fruit pulp and juice: have mild choleretic and diuretic properties, relieve anxiety, normalize sleep;
- bones: they are a good source of vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids, which free blood vessels from cholesterol plaques and improve blood flow in the penis;
- pomegranate peels: contain a large amount of essential oils and tannins, restore the nervous system;
- partitions: effectively add to tea to normalize sleep.
Pomegranate pulp and juice contain a large amount of sugar, so they can be contraindicated in diabetes.
The fruit is very effective in increasing potency due to its magnesium content. The element promotes a longer erection, increases the quantity and quality of sperm.
Bananas contain a large amount of potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the myocardium. A healthy heart will deliver blood to the penis faster and help increase male power. In addition, potassium restores the nervous system, helps to cope with stressful situations and normalizes sleep.
Systematic (3-4 times a week) use of bananas helps to eliminate the development of impotence caused by psychogenic factors: quarrels at home, conflicts at work, in the family. It is recommended to eat fresh fruit. Bananas can bring the greatest health benefits to men if they are ground into a pulp and mixed with warm cow's milk.
Since the plant does not contain a large amount of juice, sugars from it are absorbed much more slowly than from other fruits. This feature allows the use of bananas to increase the potency of men with diabetes.
They contain a lot of vitamins E and B, and are also rich in zinc and magnesium - substances that have a healing effect on the male reproductive system.
Nuts contain arginine, which activates the release of nitric oxide in the cavernous body of the penis. This process leads to relaxation of the smooth muscles and an increase in the speed of blood flow to the phallus.
It is recommended to include various nuts in the diet: walnuts, cashews, peanuts, hazelnuts, etc. The most valuable are:
- Nutmeg: the spice should be added to food daily, but in small quantities - 2-4 g.
- Pine nuts: to maintain a good erection, it is necessary to eat about 100 g per day.
In the fight against poor erection, a mixture of banana, honey and walnut has proven itself well:
- Grind 2 medium bananas and 100 g of nuts,
- Add 2 tablespoons of liquid honey and mix well.
- Pasta should be eaten 2-3 times a day, 15 minutes before meals, 2 teaspoons each.
Quail and chicken eggs
These products contain a lot of protein and cholesterol, which is the main element for building androgens.
At the same time, eggs contain a large amount of vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and other biologically active compounds that improve men's health.
Quail eggs are safe to eat raw because they are rarely a source of salmonella and other bacteria. Some men prefer to use them together with the shell, after washing with soap and water under running water. Quantity - 4-6 pieces per day.
Chicken eggs are best cooked hard-boiled or scrambled eggs. The daily norm of the product is 2-4 pieces.
Since eggs contain a lot of cholesterol, men who lead an inactive lifestyle should not abuse them. In this case, there is a risk of developing atherosclerosis.
Mare's milk contains a lot of calcium, essential amino acids, vitamins and other active compounds that help men improve their general health, increase immunity, vitality and sexual activity.
The product also contains useful hormones that have a strong therapeutic effect on the male reproductive system: the number of spermatozoa increases, their activity increases, so kumis is often used to conceive a child as soon as possible.
To normalize erectile function, milk is consumed daily for 1 glass immediately after breakfast. You can also make fresh cheese or cheese from the product and eat it with honey and fresh cheese.
With caution, it is necessary to use rustic mare's milk that has not undergone microbiological tests. In this case, it is recommended to cook for a few minutes.
Food to avoid
There are foods, the use of which negatively affects the functioning of the male genitourinary system, the amount of these products must be reduced as much as possible or completely removed from the menu:
Products | Description |
Bakery and confectionery products, sweets, fruit juices, soups | They contain a large amount of quickly digestible carbohydrates, the use of which leads to a sharp release of insulin into the blood. This, in turn, contributes to the development of atherosclerosis, obesity and diabetes. |
Smoked meat | They contain liquid smoke and carcinogens that can disrupt sperm production and impair erection |
Fast food | Hamburgers, Big Macs and other fast food dishes are rich in cholesterol and simple carbohydrates, which in combination have the most harmful effect on a man's erectile function. |
Alcohol | The use of drinks containing ethyl alcohol leads to the inhibition of the production of testosterone - the main male hormone that affects the strength and duration of an erection. |
Sol | Abuse of table salt (more than 4 g per day) leads to an increase in blood pressure and poor blood circulation in the pelvic organs. It is recommended to consume no more than 3 g of the product per day |
In order to avoid wasting the body and speed up the metabolism, it is recommended to organize fasting days every 7-10 days. It is best to spend this time on a kefir diet: during the day, a man drinks 1 glass of fermented milk product every 2-3 hours. In the intervals between taking kefir, still water is consumed.
Menu for the week
A diet that helps a man to normalize potency should be as varied as possible, containing a large amount of seafood, vegetables and other healthy foods.
Sample menu for the week:
Day of the week | Products | Cooking method |
Monday |
You can make a cottage cheese casserole or make a nut paste by mixing the components. Grilled chicken breast can be served with boiled rice and cabbage salad. Mussels are best cooked |
Tuesday |
2 chicken eggs should be boiled or make fried eggs. You can also make an omelette. Mackerel should be grilled. Use cooked pasta for decoration. Make a vegetable salad of tomatoes and cucumbers. Oysters are best baked in the oven on a baking sheet and served with fresh vegetables. |
Wednesday |
Shrimp should be boiled. Veal is best beaten and grilled. Meat should be served with buckwheat porridge and fresh vegetable salad. Fresh cheese, nuts and banana should be made into a paste by mixing all the ingredients. You can add 2 teaspoons of honey |
Thursday |
Eggs should be used to make omelettes. Shark meat must be cut into large pieces, rolled in spices and grilled. Serve with a salad of fresh cabbage, tomatoes, and cucumber (you can add 20 milliliters of olive oil to the salad). Fresh cheese can be mixed with chopped dried fruit to a uniform seven |
Friday |
Mussels should be boiled for 15 minutes in slightly salted water. Pound the chicken breast and grill it, serving with barley porridge and fresh vegetable salad. It will be useful to bake mackerel in its own juice (in foil), serve it for dinner with a green salad |
Saturday |
It is recommended to cook a cottage cheese casserole. Grilled chicken breast served with boiled rice and white cabbage salad. Mussels are best cooked |
Sunday | A day of fasting | It is recommended to consume kefir (every 2-3 hours, 1 glass) |
In addition to the 3 main meals, light snacks with fruit, nuts, and quail eggs should be organized during the day.
Serving volume should be adjusted individually, based on factors such as weight, age, lifestyle, profession.
Examples of recipes from the menu to improve potency.
Cottage cheese casserole

To make a delicious and healthy casserole, only 5 ingredients are enough:
- Fresh cheese - 500 g.
- Chicken eggs - 4 pieces.
- Semolina - 50 g.
- Raisins (should be pre-soaked for 2 hours in warm water) - 100 g
- Nuts - 100 g.
- Beat the eggs until foamy.
- Add semolina, nuts, fresh cheese and mix everything well.
- Pour the mass into the mold.
- Spread the raisins evenly over the entire surface of the bowl.
- Place in a heated oven for 15-20 minutes (baking temperature - about 200 degrees).
To improve the taste, you can add vanilla powder, cinnamon, poppy seeds to the pan.
shark steak

The product contains up to 2% urea, which can cause its unpleasant taste. To get rid of this deficiency, thawed meat should be soaked for 2 hours in milk or water with vinegar and soy sauce.
Ingredients needed:
- Blue shark meat - 500 g.
- Chicken eggs - 2 pieces.
- Lemon - 1 piece.
- Dill - 100 g.
- Salt, ground black pepper - to taste.
- Breadcrumbs - 5-8 spoons.
Cooking order:
- Shark meat cut into equal, large pieces.
- Beat 2 eggs.
- Dip the meat in eggs and roll in breadcrumbs.
- Place on grill rack.
- Season with salt, pepper and squeeze lemon juice over the steak.
- Bake for 7-8 minutes.